Like everyone, the first time I met a shiny Pokémon, I got just mesmerized. That was the main cause of creating and expanding a project that later became the Blumew Academy. It’s well known that during the years my goal was reaching, studying, understanding, bounding and coexisting with a potential Mew, a shiny specimen if possible, SO RARE and so unique, that I had to gave up about everything else to make my dream come true.

I hope I can help you educating and guiding your journey through your own dreams and goals.

As my first encounter with a shiny Pokémon happened so long ago, I cannot even give you a specific date without consulting my notes, I’ll be writing and refreshing my young age adventures, with personal notes and artistic paintings (as technology was very limited at that time*).

The Golden Magikarp

That lake, in north London was the beginning of a life-time journey. Summer afternoon, after playing some football with my mates, resting and drinking my home made lemonade.

That creature jumped twice, from that small lake and I said to myself: there is something wrong with that fish… first it’s too energetic. Second, it’s too bright! That was it. My first very-rare encounter: a shiny Magikarp. At that day, I lost my chance to capture it. But I knew I would come back to that place again, and I would spend hours drawing and painting my memories until a second golden encounter…